The story of the life of Giovanni Di Stefano known as the ‘Real’ Devil’s Advocate was born on the 1 July 1955 in a small village in Italy, appropriately called Petrella Tifernina, a wise woman who lived nearby predicted he would either be brainy and famous, or he would be dead quite soon, the latter never happened and throughout his roller-coaster life he has always failed to comply with the and does what he is best at what he wants to do or feels is right. His gripping story ‘The Man with the Golden Glasses’ will be revealed in a Hollywood Movie which is coming soon.
This upcoming movie is Giovanni’s story on his rollercoaster life from his late teens until to date. CEO of MGM, survival in war-torn Middle East conflicts, advising and acting for a number of notorious Dictators and out of favour Presidents. Defeating the Crown on a number of the greatest cases in history, this movie will show who is Giovanni Di Stefano and where he came from.
“Giovanni is a person of strong character who turns negativity into a positive energy setting himself in a good direction!”
“If I wasn’t a qualified lawyer what makes an even greater story is how is it that I defeated the crown on two of the most greatest cases in (look up palmer etc) so, if they want to think I’m not let them think I’m not if – they want to think I am, let them think I am I really don’t give a damn!”